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The Plant – Edible Landscape – Sat. Mar. 21 Volunteer Day

Come join us Sat. March 21 as we move forward with the Edible Landscape Project at The Plant, 1400 W. 46th.  We’ll meet in The Plant lobby.  Two session, one starting at 10 am, another starting at 1 pm.  See details below.  Join us for either one or both sessions.

In the morning, Stephen Ulman will lead planning and design for the new area in front of the hugelkulturs.  This new area was evaluated some at our Feb. 28 volunteer kickoff meeting.  In the afternoon, Elizabeth Loehmer will lead activities for the existing hugelkultur mounds closer to the fence.  We’ll be helping Jim Dee to continue the work in this area.

Agendas are:

Stephen – 10 am to 11:30.  New Area. Agenda:

  • Quick tour to assess the site as a group, and check out onsite materials, their ownership/availability
  • Work on a master list of potential business donors to ask for plants, materials, etc.
  • Begin contacting potential donors from the above list (or assign to do during business hours, if needed)
  • Put together a “most wanted” list of seeds and plants to purchase with a budget of ~$100, with the potential for extra seeds to be shared with other group members
  • I’ll try to have a couple iterations of the design ready and we can critique and refine ideas as people gain a better understanding of the site/budget/constraints
  • Document results of morning session — pass on to afternoon session
  • Discuss IOBY fundraising campaign.  Any help appreciated.

Elizabeth – 1 pm – 2:30.  Existing Hugelkultur Area.  Agenda:

  • Evaluate the existing area.
  • Take pictures and make measurements.  Draw sketches of existing mounds and structures.
  • Clean up the area
  • Discuss ideas for 2015
  • Review plant donor list and “most wanted” list of seeds and plants created in the morning
  • Can the same plants be used in adding plants in the existing area?
  • Plan next steps
  • Discuss IOBY fundraising campaign.  Any help appreciated.