61st & Eberhart, SE Corner Parkway
This 2015 project includes planting small demonstration beds at 61st and Eberhart on the southeast corner in the parkway next to Greenline Coffee. The parkway is approximately 60′ x 7′, curbside, subject to salt from street and sidewalk in winter. The space has midday and west direct sunlight. Parts have tree shading, midday.
2015 Greeline Coffee Parkway Garden
2015 Greenline Coffee Plant List
2015 Greenline Coffee Plant Database: PDF File
Plant Tags and Plant Database – Key for Plant Description Codes
2015 Activities – April 1
Volunteers built a grow light stand using 2×4’s, plywood and shop fluorescent lights. This will be used for seed starting.
Here are the step-by-step instructions for the grow light: sunshine DIY grow light stand 2015-04-01
This week volunteers also starting seeds for both vegetables and flowers. Half the seeds were started indoors using the the grow lights we built. These seeds were started in plastic tofu tubs with holes punched in the bottom.. The other half of the seeds were started outdoors by placing them in inexpensive baking tins with plastic lids from a dollar stores. Holes were punched in both the plastic lids (to let moisture in), and in the bottoms (to let excess moisture out).
See here for the details of what we did: sunshine indoor and outdoor seed starting 2015-04-01
2015 Activities – June 19
Greenline Coffee Parkway Project
Here’s an update on planting demonstration gardens in the parkway next to Greenline Coffee at 61st and Eberhart. Many thanks to Sunshine Gospel Ministries volunteers for their team efforts the past several weeks! Below is a summary of results. See their PDF file update for more information.
At the beginning of this year the parkway was all grass. An earlier volunteer group removed some of the grass. The past two weeks we converted dirt areas to flowerbeds.
Our activities included: planning for the new flowerbeds; removing dead tree roots; amending the existing soil with compost, peat moss, and perlite; adding plants; and grooming the edges of the beds. The north sections of the plantings are a variety of high-impact and mostly low-maintenance flowers and ornamental grasses. The south section has all native plants. We left some room to add some more plants.
Many of the plants we used were started from seed in April by an earlier volunteer group. This group includes both annuals and perennials. Plants from seeds includes all of these:
Alyssum, Aphrodite Mix, Alyssum -Sweet, Aster, Blue Fescue, Butterfly Weed, Calendula – Pot Marigold, Coleus, Columbine, Coreopsis – Early Sunr., Coreopsis – Mardi Gras, Hollyhock, Impatiens, Larkspur, Lupine – Russel, Lupine – Texas , Marigold, Marigold – Cottage Red, Milkweed, Nasturium, Oriental Poppy, Parsley, Purple Coneflower, Shasta Daisy, Snapdragon, Sweet William, Taragon – French, Wild Flax.
Some larger plants (Miscanthus Porcupine, Miscanthus Giganteaus, Phlox, Lyme Grass, and Ribbon Grass) were donated by the GROW organization and these plants had been propagated from divisions or cuttings. Many of the plants in the natives section came from the Prairie Nursery dry soils collection, donated by Prairie Nursery. Plants in this group are: Lavender Hyssop, Butterflyweed, Cream False Indigo, Harebell, Prairie Smoke, Rough Blazingstar, Wild Petunia, Showy Goldenrod, and Prairie Dropseed.
See the PDF file update for more information.